Friday, November 7, 2008

Need something new

Since I am sick of seeing the same post everyday, (and Megan is at work and I am bored) I decided to do one myself. Since I have no idea what to put in the blog, I thought I would include a couple of my favorite pictures. The barn on fire was a barn fire just across the field from our house. It was the biggest fire we have had this year. The barn and outbuildings were a loss before we even got on scene. We did save the house however. The second picture is a picture of Truck 3 in San Francisco. On our trip to San Francisco, while Megan was in meetings, I was out looking for fire trucks and found Station 3. The firefighter I talked to was nice enough to let me crawl all over his truck and take pictures of it. There have been rumors we are trying to get a ladder truck for our station sometime in the near future. This would complement our 3 engines and other equipment we currently have and be a great addition to our department. I am also grateful for the election to be over. I never enjoy the presidential elections since it just seems to be a mud slinging contest with a lot of empty promises made by either side. I have to admit I was not happy with the outcome, but hopefully he keeps some of his promises and doesn't keep some of the others. I often wish that the presidential elections were like the Utah Governor's race we had 4 years ago. Both candidates agreed at the beginning to run clean campaigns. A couple of times some mud slinging started and the candidates immediately put an end to it. It was such a nice election and I wish that all campigns were like that. This blog proves that Megan should do all the blogs from now on.


MommyJo said...

I don't know Tom, you seem to be quite a natural at it! ;)

Nicole Parker said...

Oh Tom . . aren't you so cute. I loved your blog!! So I still need to come up and stay with you guys . . one day . . one day. Tell Meg hi for me!!

rach said...

you did a great job! most bloggers just like to read something, anything, new....we have no life.
just kidding its entertaining.